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2025 National Tactical Medicine Competition Rules and Regulations

The National Tactical Medicine Competition is the premier event to test the skill and prowess of tactical medicine teams from across the country and now internationally. The event is designed to test that skill set over a wide variety of aspects of tactical medicine. Teams will be faced with a scenario that will play out over a series of stations, but each station will unfold the scenario a little further. The scenario is physically demanding and teams should be prepared for physical exertion over an extended time frame. Teams come to this competition to challenge themselves, push themselves hard, and excel beyond any obstacles they face.

We appreciate you pushing yourself further, and the teams and community you support sees your hard work as well.

Thanks and good luck to everyone,

Andrew Rowley

CEO/President SOARescue

Alan Elam

COO/Vice President SOARescue


Topics teams should review prior to the competition include:

  • TCCC/TECC concepts

  • Care Under Fire/Direct Threat Care Tactical Field Care/Indirect Threat Care Evacuation Care

  • Patient movement

  • Patient movement devices

  • Prolonged Field Care

  • Triage utilizing START/JUMPSTART Triage Tactical/technical rescue

  • Bailout of casualty and rescuers

  • K9 medicine

  • Teams should have at least one provider capable of the followings skills: Tourniquet application

  • Wound packing

  • Bandaging

  • Airway escalation: Recovery position

  • NPA

  • BAID

  • ETT Cricothyrotomy

  • Damage Control Resuscitation Trauma Pharmacology

  • TXA Ketamine Fentanyl RSI


The scenario may not include every concept or skill listed. The scenario will present itself as realistically as possible. Injuries will be moulaged to present as real as possible.

Competitors need to bring:

  • Uniform they typically train/operate in.

  • Boots/shoes appropriate for uneven terrain and fast movement

  • Armor typical to your team (if you do not have armor, armor can be provided) All medical equipment necessary to complete each station will be provided. Medical bags will be provided to carry medical supplies.

  • Water bottle


2024 International Tactical Medicine Competition Rules

1. Teams
     a. A team will consist of a two competitors.
     b. Teams will be required to perform ALS interventions.
     c. Competitors must be certified or licensed to perform any interventions they execute during the competition. BLS teams are allowed          if they have a signed letter from their medical director that they are competent to perform the skills listed above under the “topics”          section.

     d. Teams must be registered prior to the competition day and have any associated fees paid in full.

     e. Teams will only be allowed one attempt. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the organizing committee if the organizing              committee has to halt a team’s attempt at any time.

     f. Teams can cease their attempt at any time at the request of a competitor. They will not be allowed to restart or resume their                      attempt.

     g. Teams will be supplied with any medical equipment necessary for the successful completion of the competition. Technical rescue            equipment will be provided for that station.

     h. The use of outside medical supplies is not permitted.
      i. Any outside equipment must be approved by the organizing committee prior to the start of the team’s attempt.
      j. Teams should wear the proper attire or uniform that they typically train or deploy in for their tactical team.

2. Location

     a. The competition will be held Charleston, SC. Venue address to be released later.

3. Competition
     a. The competition will occur on October 12, 2025.
     b. Sign-in for the competition will occur between 0800-00830.
     c. All competitors will receive a competition briefing beginning at 0830.
     d. The first team will start at approximately 0900. Subsequent teams will start approximately every 30 minutes.
     e. Each station will have a maximum allowable time. If they reach the maximum time, the station will be concluded and they will be              moved to the next station.
     f. Skill guidelines will fall under the Tactical Emergency Casualty Care guidelines.

     g. Teams can assume that “security” is being performed and are not required to perform this action at any station.

4. Safety
     a. Observers will be positioned at each station.
     b. Observers can intervene for any necessary reason to ensure the safety of competitors, patient actors, judges or audience.
     c. Out of bounds areas may be designated with cones, caution style tape or verbal instructions prior to or during the competition
     d. The organizing committee can make changes to the format at any time necessary to ensure the safety of competitors or necessary           to ensure success of the competition.

5. Scoring
     a. Each station will be assigned specific point scores for actions necessary to that station. b. Competitors need to perform or initiate            all actions. They may be asked to stop a specific skill set and verbalize the remainder by the judge or observer. This will be the only          time they are permitted to do so.

     c. Due to sensitive information specific to stations, competitors are not permitted to see score sheets in advance. Score sheets may be          provided after the attempt has ended.

     d. Time will factor into the score for each station

     e. The total score will be the aggregate total of all stations. The team with the best score will consist of the highest points.

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2025 Special Operations Aid & Rescue, Ltd. for the International Tactical Medicine Competition

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